Over 60 perennials, most are drought-tolerant (because, well, eastern Washington!), all zoned for our region. Lots of butterfly and hummingbird attractors. Blooms for spring through fall make happy pollinators and soothe the weary soul!
From alyssum to zinnias, petunias to pansies, bacopa, bracteanthas, marigolds, and mimulus, we’ve got you covered. Portulaca (drought-tolerant sun lover), gazanias (amazing), and so much more. Too many to mention, and too many to show!
We follow organic practices, so you can feel extra healthy about eating your veggies. We have 23 varieties of tomatoes, including grafted. Lots of peppers (both hot and sweet)–arranged in the greenhouse from mildest to hottest. We also have melons, squash, cruciferous, lots of greens, and, well, you should just come see! Easy to get your five a day when they’re right there in the garden!
There’s a .pdf with product descriptions at the top of this page. All the info you need in one place!
23 varieties of tomatoes, plus 2 kinds of tomatillos. 4 heirloom varieties, 8 early producers (45 to 67 days), 7 cherry. Plus grafted tomatoes.
Cucumbers Slicers: Armenian, Natsu Sazumi, Garden Sweet Burpless, Straight 8, Green Dragon, Lemon, and the adorable cucamelon (Cucumber? mini-melon?). And 3 varieties for pickle lovers. Pick up some dill, too, and you’re good to go!
5 winter squash: acorn, butternut, pink banana, hubbard (great for pie!) and yellow crookneck. 6 summer squash: yellow straightneck & crookneck, patty pan (weird, but cool!), and 3 varieties of zucchini.
Sweet peppers, plus 10 varieties of hot peppers, from mild poblanos (1,500 scovilles) to HOT habanero (300,000 scovilles!) All looking VERY happy.
But wait! There’s more! Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage (crucial cruciferous!), lots of greens, melons, eggplant, corn, onions, pumpkins.
5 varieties of basil plus 2 mixed packs (Think pesto! Yum!), chives, dill, lemon balm & lemon grass, tarragon, thyme, peppermint, spearmint, chamomile, parsley, rosemary, and fennel. And consider leeks — a garlicky-only flavor that adds a lot of dimension to cooking!
Several varieties of coleus, dusty miller, ipomoea, perennial ground cover, ivy, chamomile, and hardy sedum–great for landscaping, and beautiful houseplants after the season is done.